Another Lebowskipalooza has come and gone, and I’d like to thank everyone who came out to watch this classic flick and enjoy a Caucasian or two (or five). It was such a great fucking crowd! Everyone was there to have a good tie. It’s one of my favourite events of the entire year for this very reason. Very rarely am I underneath the same roof as hundreds of other people all just looking to have a good fucking time.

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by my mini art show as well! I thought for sure my Beavis and Butthead Lebowski mashup was going to be the main draw to the table. While a few people dug it, way more people were on fire for the film noir-inspired movie poster mashup I did.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, one of my favourite things about creating art is the people who are drawn to it and the conversations it sparks. I had one dude stop by my table who happened to be in town from Toronto, and just happened to pass the Lebowskipalooza event poster hanging up on a bulletin board in downtown Winnipeg. We got to chatting and it turns out he was in town doing a typography lecture at the college. I met a fucking typographer! Not a graphic designer that designs logos sometimes, a man whose job is to design new fucking fonts. Having dabbled in hand drawn text, I can tell you there’s a lot more that goes into it than you might realize.

I also wound up chatting with this awesome rockabilly dude about film noir and old crime thrillers, and how “The Big Lebowski” is a classic film noir in disguise. He told me how in love with film noir his fiancee is, and then we wound up chatting about him moving down to Texas to be with her.

There were a bunch of other people I talked with too, and that’s what I fucking love about this movie and the annual Lebowskipalooza. It has such a diverse fanbase and such an awesome collection of characters that come out to the event. Possibly even more diverse than the cast of character in the movie itself.


I’d like to thank Trent, Greg, John, Nigel, as well as the volunteers and Garrick staff that organized and helped make this one of the most fun fucking years yet.

And I’d like to thank all the people that came out last night. It was fucking awesome to meet so many new people and reconnect with a few old friends. Looking forward to next year!



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